7. Nonprofit Research Databases
IRS Business Master Files (BMF)
How often does the IRS refresh the BMF Exempt Organization extract files on the SOI Tax Stats web site?
What is the time lag from when the IRS recognizes an organization's exempt status to when the determination is reflected in the BMF and SOI listings? (FAQ)
Why is there a difference between cTotRev and INCOME on a Business Master File (BMF)?
BMF (4/04) file dates and return data (Technical Note)
Drop in BMF Record Count from 2007 to 2008
Table Wizard Reports - Different Results for All vs Public Charity
Why is the total number of tax-exempt organizations reported in the IRS Data Book different from the number reported in the Business Master File?
"Unknown" NTEEs on the Business Master File (Technical Note)
Exempt Organizations Nonfiler Study
: How many nonprofit organizations are there? Assessing the quality of the IRS Business Master File (Technical Note)
BMF is supplemented with NCCS Financial data (as of October 2006)
IRS BMF code book and notes on the "Classification Code" (CLASSCD)
IRS Foundation Code: FNDNCD (Tips and Tricks)
Using the IRS BMF for Pre-1990 Trend Analysis (Method Note)