7. Nonprofit Research Databases
Cross-Database Items
$0 gross receipts and total assets
Compliance with Information Reporting: Exempt Organizations (Technical Note)
Data on Nonprofit Organizations Prior to 1982
Mergers and conversions to for-profit status
Organization Births: IRS Data Book tables
The Catholic Church in the United States At A Glance
Abbreviations for column and variable names and descriptions (Helpful Hint)
Changes in fiscal years for 990-filers (Technical Note)
Changes to the Form 990 in the 1990s (Helpful Hint)
Creating a list of active nonprofits using NCCS data: A case study (Method Note)
How can I use 990 data to identify a contact person to whom to mail a survey? (Method Note)
How do I Cite NCCS Databases in Publications? (FAQ)
How long does it typically take for organizations to file their IRS Forms 990? (FAQ)
Identifying religious and governmental organizations-Auspice Codes (Method Note)
Identifying supporting organizations in NCCS data -- Level2 and Level3 (Method Note)
NCCS Files by category and year (Helpful Hint)
Problems displaying field names on sample Adobe Acrobat Form 990 (Helpful Hint)
SOI-Digitzed Data Variable Crosswalk (Helpful Hint)
Studying Relationships Between Nonprofits in Complex Organizational Structures (Method Note)
Using NCCS data as a tool for nonprofit research (Method Note)
Where is Schedule B -- Confidential List of Contributors in NCCS data? (FAQ)
Why are records in the RTF, but not in the BMF? (FAQ)
Why Do the Number of Records in the Core Files and the Digitized Data Differ when LATEST is used? (FAQ)
Why Do the Number of Records in the Core Files and the Digitized Data Differ? (FAQ)
Working with the TIMESTAMP variable (Helpful Hint)