Overview: International
What are the major international challenges that we face?
Climate Change
U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4th Assessment
, 2007 - Wikipedia summary of landmark report
Summary for Policymakers
(22 pages)
Swapping technologies fails to address the root causes of climate change
: The environmental and social crisis that threatens us requires deeper solutions than new technology alone can provide
End extreme poverty and hunger, and other goals of the
Millenium Declaration
Fact Sheet
1.2 billion people live on less than $1 a day.
More than 11 million children die each year in the developing world from preventable illnesses.
How Individuals and Communities Can Make a Difference: Books and Other Teaching Resources
Kielburger & Kielburger.
"From Me to We"
Mortenson, Greg.
"Three Cups of Tea"
Nicholas Kristof, a New York Times columnist, frequently writes about programs that he thinks are especially worthwhile. Here are a few of them:
Sudanese school
is only chance for many, especially girls, to get even an elementary school education.
Added 05/12/2010 by asblackwood, Modified 05/15/2010 by asblackwood
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