
How are noncash or inkind contributions treated by the IRS? (FAQ)

Pre-2008 Form 990: Noncash contributions, also known as inkind contributions, are generally reported separately in the cash-noncash breakout on line 1 of the IRS Form 990 (pre-2008 version). Donations of services or use of materials, equipment or facilities are reported in Parts IV-A and IV-B and question 82 on Part VI of the 990.

New Form 990: Part VIII, 1g of the new Form 990, records the total of noncash contributions while Schedule M provides a detailed breakout for organizations reporting more than $25,000 in noncash contributions or that received contributions of works of art, historical treasures or similar assets.

While contributed professional services and use of facilities are reportable as contributions under GAAP, they are NOT recorded as components of Total Revenue (line 12) for IRS purposes. Parts IV-A and B reconcile these differences in reporting standards.

More information on accounting for contributions can be found in General Instruction L of the Form 990 Instructions.


From the donor's perspective, small inkind contributions (less than $250) are treated by the IRS essentially like any other small donation: They are deductible so long as the contributor can substantiate the gift with a receipt or by keeping a written record of donations. The instructions for Schedule A of the 1040 describes the requirements in more detail:

If the amount is more than $250 a written receipt or acknowledgement from your organization will be required.

Individuals, partnerships and corporations claiming more than $500 in noncash contributions are required to complete IRS Form 8283. The IRS Statistics of Income Division will be publishing some tables and analysis based on a study of this form sometime in 2005.

NCCS is aware of no other data available on inkind contributions from the 1040 or 8283 available.

The 11-page IRS Publication 561 titled "Determining the Value of Donated Property" discusses the valuation approaches for different categories of property such as automobiles (also a subject of a U.S. General Accounting Office report), clothing, real estate, etc.

Added 02/14/2005 by tpollak, Modified 03/21/2011 by tpollak


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