Territories: Abbreviations and FIPS codes
AS - American Samoa - 60
GU - Guam - 66
FM - Federated States of Micronesia - 64
MP - Northern Mariana Islands - 69
MH - Marshall Islands - 68
PR - Puerto Rico - 72
VI - Virgin Islands - 78
PW - Palau - 70
UM - U.S. Minor Outlying Islands - 74
AE - Armed Forces Africa
" - Armed Forces Europe
" - Armed Forces Middle East
AA - Armed Forces Americas (except Canada)
AP - Armed Forces Pacific
Sources: U.S. Postal Service (http://www.usps.com/ncsc/lookups/usps_abbreviations.html)
Table 3
FIPS State Numeric Codes for the Individual
Minor Outlying Island Territories
Baker Island - 81
Howland Island - 84
Jarvis Island - 86
Johnston Atoll - 67
Kingman Reef - 89
Midway Islands - 71
Navassa Island - 76
Palmyra Atoll - 95
Wake Island - 79
Source: http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip5-2.htm