Search Registered & Unregistered Organizations

Enter information on the organization(s) you wish you to find in the search form below.
Enter organization name or keyword(s):
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    Limit to current 990 filers
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Search tips
  • Search for Unusual parts of an organization name. For example, to find "Admiral Jeremiah Denton Foundation," search for "Jeremiah Denton".
  • This search is not case sensitive.
  • If you include only a common word ("theater"), include the town to limit the results.
  • Using the default settings, the order of the words does not matter. Example: "LAZARUS ORDER" retrieves the "ORDER OF ST. LAZARUS".
  • Spelling must be exact, so avoid words that may be abbreviated. Example: "ST." IN "ST. LAZARUS".
  • Some names are abbreviated (e.g., INSTITUTION is INST or UNIVERSITY is UNIV.) For best results, try both. (We plan to standardize these soon.)
  • Surround multiple words with QUOTATION MARKS if the words must appear together (e.g., "SIERRA CLUB" instead of SIERRA CLUB).

*Tax Period is the organization's most recently completed tax period. The date is typically the last day of the organization's fiscal year