',code,' - ',name, '
Def: ',definition, '
Use ref: ', use_reference, '
Scope notes: ', scope_notes,'

') FROM nccs.npc2003 LIMIT 10 // /new/rptWriterFormView.php?opt=notable&gq=select%20*%20from%20nccs.forms%20limit%2020 /* rptWriter.php - pass it a list of fields and it generates a html columnar report */ /* parameters: q = data qry or array items = field list Example: /new/rptWriter.php?q=select npc,numcorrect from classif.rules where TIME >='20031205'&h=code,name Notes: Use underscores in calculated field names to get spaces to appear: Example: Scope_notes becomes 'Scope notes' */ include($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'settings.php'); $rpt = new RptWriter(); $rpt->query = 'SELECT State, COUNT(*) as Number_of_Organization FROM $bmfFile GROUP BY State'; $rpt->main(); unset ($rpt); class RptWriter { var $query = ''; var $group = ''; var $headings =''; var $options = ''; var $title ='Report Writer'; var $debug =0; /* $rpt = new RptWriter(); $rpt->query = 'SELECT userid from nccs.userroles'; $rpt->main(); unset ($rpt); */ function main () { /* include("head.php"); include("datacon.php"); */ /* rptWriter.php - pass it a list of fields and it generates a html columnar report */ /* parameters: gGrp = group field gq = data qry or array items = field list gh = headings p = general parameters nohead */ $gq = $this->query; $group = $this->group; $headings = $this->headings; $debug = $this->debug; $opt2 = $this->options; $title = $this->title; $title = 'NCCS Report Writer'; $border3 = 1; // width of border for table parameter $tableCenter = 'ALIGN=LEFT'; set_magic_quotes_runtime ( 0); echo "


"; } } ?>