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Resource Directory

Organizations & Programs

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Disclaimer: We work hard to maintain up to date information, but services frequently change. You should always call the provider to confirm service and payment information.
1. Search to find your organization or program (above). Click on the title of the organization or program to see the full profile.
2. If you need to make changes to the organization or program, click on ' Edit Organization'
3. Review the profile and click the pencil to edit any specific information. You can also choose to click 'Step 1' along the left side and go through each step of the form to edit the entire profile. Press 'Continue' at the bottom right to save the current step and proceed to the next step.
4. After reviewing your changes, click on ' Submit for Review' to submit your changes for approval by administrators.
If you have trouble at any point in the process you can click on ' Give Feedback/Get Help' in the top right corner of the form. This will submit an email with your comments to administrators and tech support, someone will get back to you in 1-3 business days.

My Organizations & Programs

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My Resource Lists Tip

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What are 'My Resource Lists'?

My Resource Lists allow you to build your own lists of organizations and programs. Your lists will be saved to your account and you can access them from any computer, at any time. 'My Resource Lists' also includes the lists of any teams, or user groups, you are a part of on SHARE New Mexico.

How do I create a new list?

Click 'Create new list' and enter a unique name in the pop up window that appears. If you do not see this pop up window, please make sure pop up windows are allowed for this site in your browser settings.

How do I add an organization or program to a list?

From the Directory, search for the organization that you want to add to your list. From the search results page, click 'My Resource Lists' and select the list you want to use. Once you have selected a list, green icons (Add this) will appear next to the results. Click on the Add this to add the organization or program to your custom list.

How do I view a list?

Click on the name of the list to view it.

How do I remove an organization or program from my list?

Follow the instructions above to view a list, then click the red icon (Remove this) next to an item (organization or program) to remove that item from your list.

How do I export a list from the site?

While viewing a Resource List, click 'Print' at the top of the list.

Some of the items on my list have a green button, a red button or no button. Why is that?

Whether you are viewing search results to add to your list or your list itself, an item will have a green button to allow you to add it to your list or, if the item is already on your list, a red button to allow you to remove it. If you are viewing your list and an item has no button that means you cannot remove it by itself because it is displaying 'together with' another item. For example, if you add Program A to your list, then Program A's Organization name will display as well (for clarity) - to remove both, you need to remove Program A.

Your list has been created, great! To get started, search for the organizations or programs that you want to add to your list.

As a registered user, you can save your favorite organizations or programs in a list that you can use for mapping, analysis or to list your organizations. Researchers can use this feature to list organizations receiving or responding to a survey, associations can use this to identify their member organizations, donors can use this to identify organizations that they think merit more research.

What happens next?
Enter a name below, click 'Create new list' and then search to find organizations to add to your list.