The Nonprofit FAQ

Can I access net resources like the web and gopher with email?
Yes, you can access various Internet tools such as the world wide web, gopher and ftp via email. You can also get email translations to and from English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Portuguese (Although I would not bet my agencies financial future or my heart transplant on such auto-translations) and get a FAQ on finding email addresses. You can also find information on emotional support groups, track UPS packages and find government information via email.

For a guide for using email for such purposes send email to:

with no subject needed and only the exact message:

send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email

You will receive an interesting and useful document on using email.

Even if you have full Internet access, including the web, you might find this interesting and, perhaps, helpful. Accessing web pages that are heavily text centered by email sometimes is more convenient and less time intensive than using a browser, especially if you access certain pages regularly.

This page was last updated October 11, 1999.