The Nonprofit FAQ

What's involved in financial management?
The National Council of Nonprofit Organizations has a sample financial policies manual available on its website as a Word document. It can be used as a template for developing policies for other organizations. See

The Nonprofit Financial Center has been operating in Illinois since 1980. At the website the Center offers a wide range of useful information.
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The Nonprofit Assistance Fund (of Minnesota) website "offers many free resources on nonprofit financial management including short articles on common questions, templates for cash flow projections and a financial management assessment."

The basics of financial management include planning and designing a budget, ongoing accounting and bookkeeping, and managing cash flow. Staying financially healthy requires ongoing financial analysis and audits, and sometimes knowing how to deal with cutbacks. The Free Management Library provides a variety of perspectives for each other these activities, and adds some tools for assessing your financial practices. See

Speaking of cutbacks, Fieldstone Alliance (formerly the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation) offers Coping with Cutbacks : The Nonprofit Guide to Success When Times Are Tight. The book is described in the online catalog at

Posted 8/19/99 -- CM; revised 4/30/01, 7/9/04, 9/13/04; Nonprofit Assistance Fund added; "Coping with Cutbacks" entry updated 1/6/06 -- PB