The Nonprofit FAQ

Where can I find information about service learning
Robert D. Putnam wrote in April of 1996 to the NonProfit and Voluntary
Action Discussion Group ARNOVA-L Re: Youth and community service

Two weeks ago I responded to an ARNOVA-L inquiry from Anne Gass about
research on community service and service learning, mentioning work by
Suzanne Goldsmith at the American Alliance for Rights and
Responsibilities in Washington, DC. Suzanne has now kindly sent
additional information on this point, as follows:

Here are the addresses of two WWW sites where internet users can find
research bibliographies on these topics. One is available through the
Service Learning in Higher Education Archives @ UC Boulder:

Citations for other research on the impact of service on kids in grades
K-12 is available through the National Service Learning Clearinghouse at
the University of Minnesota: