The Nonprofit FAQ

How can we ensure our nonprofit operates ethically?
There are 33 "Principles of Good Governance and Ethical Practice" for charities and foundations in the Guide of the same name published in 2007 by The Panel on the Nonprofit Sector (a project of">Independent Sector). To download a free .pdf file of the Guide, visit

A checklist based on these principles is available for use in reviewing governance and operating practices; for each practice there's a ten-point scale and connecting the ratings down the side of the page will make a simple graph of the areas that might need attention. The checklist is available">here as a .pdf file.

The Free Management Library provides a free, on-line 'Guide to Ethics Management: An Ethics Toolkit for Managers'. The guide explains:

- how to set up an ethics management program

- roles and responsibilities in the program

- how to develop a code of ethics and a code of conduct

- how to recognize and address ethical dilemmas

- and how to train employees about the ethics management system.

The ePhilanthropy Code of Ethics focuses on practices related to online fundraising; it is available online at

Posted 8/19/99 -- CM; updated 2/4/04, 11/16/08; checklist added 12/1/08 -- PB