The Nonprofit FAQ

How can we be listed in the Encyclopaedia of Associations?
Nigel Allen wrote on August 1, 1995 (and revised on January 30, 1997):

Non-profit groups may find it useful to be listed in the
Encyclopedia of Associations, a directory of national
non-profit groups in the United States, so that journalists,
researchers and potential new members can get in touch with you
more easily. There is no charge to be listed in the directory.

I have transcribed the questionnaire that the Encyclopedia of
Associations uses to compile its listings, and I would be happy
to send a copy to anyone who would like their group listed.

The Encyclopedia of Associations is published by Gale Research
of Detroit, a well-known publisher of reference books. Your local
library probably has a copy of the Encyclopedia of Associations
that you can look through to see how other non-profit groups are listed.

To request a questionnaire, send me e-mail (,
or contact:

Encyclopedia of Associations

Gale Research

27500 Drake Rd.

Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535


telephone (248) 699-4253

fax (248) 699-8061

Nigel Allen, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Web page: