The Nonprofit FAQ
Nonprofit Support Organizations |
This page links to local support organizations for nonprofits and in many parts of the world. See other Tools for Nonprofits from Idealist.Org. -- Enter a country name in the Search at to find a list of all the organizations in that country that announce their programs and services through the website. InternationalAfrica
Australia and the South Pacific
Latin America and the Caribbean
For weblinks to organizations serving all of Latin America or Latin American Regions, see North America
AFGHANISTANAfghan NGOs Coordination Bureau "is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profitable organization operating to coordinate the activities of Afghan NGOs working towards emergency state, rehabilitation and development of Afghanistan." -- ANTIGUA & BARBUDAA website lists clubs and voluntary organizations on these islands. -- ARGENTINAAEDROS es la Asociación de Ejecutivos en Desarrollo de Recursos para Organizaciones Sociales. Desde su creación, atiende aspectos de la actividad profesional del desarrollo de recursos para organizaciones sociales y a la práctica responsable de la filantropía y el trabajo voluntario en la Argentina. -- Centro Nacional de Organaciones de la Comunidad "Promover la participación de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en la gestión de las políticas públicas generando espacios institucionales de articulación para el establecimiento de procesos de desarrollo sustentable." -- Con Fines Sociales "un servicio de información y comunicación destinado al fortalecimiento institucional de las organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil." -- "This is a follow-up to my previous message. You may contact in Argentina the Foro del Sector Social, an umbrella organization of Argentinean NGOs. It office is located in downtown Buenos Aires (Maipú 972). They have information about current research and publications on this topic in Latin America. Their website address is Telephone: (011) 4311-5001/0567" (From Laurie Mook Schugurensky, 7/6/2001) When people and communities in Argentina are faced with urgent situations, like natural disaster, they have a new place to turn: an Idealistas community page called (Message from Juan Cruz Mones Cazon 16 Feb 2009) More weblinks for NGOs in Argentina: ARMENIA"Support Group" Non-Governmental Organization -- AUSTRALIAThe Australian Centre for Co-operative Research and Development (ACCORD) will be launching its website on 1 July 2000 - the International Co-operatives Day. -- or Australian Association of Philanthropy "The national membership body for the philanthropic sector. It promotes and protects the interests of family, private, corporate and community giving within Australia." -- Australian government portal for community information -- Fundraising Institute Australia "The professional association for individuals responsible for fundraising and developing philanthropic support for a wide variety of Not for Profit, charitable organisations, throughout Australia." Has state chapters throughout the country. (Chatswood, NSW) -- Our Community "The national gateway for Australia's 700,000 community groups and schools.... for practical resources, support and linkages between community networks and the general public, business and government - building capacity to strengthen the community in every Australian State and Territory." -- AUSTRIAThe World of NGOs – Austria -- BANGLADESHThere's an index of some NGO's active in Bangladesh on the Velki search engine at The general purpose site BangladeshNGO does not appear to be operating (5/15/06). BELARUSAssembly of Belarusian pro-Democratic NGOs -- (In Belarusian: Foundation for Legal Technologies "is a group of professionals who work together using legal research and educational methods for the realization and effective protection of human rights and freedoms in the Republic of Belarus." -- (In Belarusian: BELGIUMMinistry of Justice publication about nonprofits (Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk) (in Dutch). -- BERMUDAThe Centre on Philanthropy leads "the Bermuda community in building an effective, efficient, and sustainable third sector by: Advancing knowledge, skills, and performance; Fostering effective partnerships; Creating a unified voice for the sector; and Supporting and increasing volunteerism -- BOLIVIARed TICBolivia "promover y compartir experiencias en el uso y la aplicación de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en todos los ámbitos del desarrollo." -- BRAZILIko Poran Society "O objetivo de todos os programas é causar um impacto positivo nos projetos em que são realizados, proporcionando uma ampla troca de experiências entre culturas e fortalecendo um número constante e crescente de Organizações da Sociedade Civil no Brasil." (Also in English) -- Portal do Voluntário "O Portal do Voluntário oferece serviços voltados para a gestão e promoção do voluntariado empresarial." (In Portuguese) -- More weblinks for NGOs in Brazil: BULGARIAOpen Society Foundation – Sofia -- Union of Bulgarian Foundations and Associations -- CAMBODIANGO Forum on Cambodia -- CANADAThe Nonprofit FAQ has a separate page discussing resources for and about nonprofit organizations, philanthropy and community organizing in Canada. -- CHILEAcción Asociación Chilena de ONGs "una asociación de ONGs de desarrollo y transformación social que promueve el fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil y del sector que representa, a fin de incidir políticamente en la construcción de un país humano, equitativo, solidario, democrático, desarrollado y sustentable." -- ONG Chile "un portal sin fines de lucro que busca difundir el uso de Internet en las organizaciones no gubernamentales." -- Diario de la Sociedad Civil -- More weblinks for NGOs in Chile: CHINAChina Association for NGO Cooperation -- China Development Brief is an independent publication based in Hong Kong and serving the international NGOs active in China. -- China Development Brief offers an information file ("FAQ") about registering an NGO in the Peoples Republic of China. -- China NPO Network serves all NPOs in China with training, publications, information exchange and research. -- COLOMBIAColombia/Tercer Sector (not operating 6/18/08) -- Confederación Colombiana de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales -- La Corporación Somos Más "es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro interdisciplinaria que tiene como misión construir capital social mejorando la capacidad de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC) y Organizaciones de Cooperación Internacional (OCI)." -- More weblinks for NGOs in Colombia: For information from Colombia presented by (in Spanish), see This is an experimental "local page" which collects listings about the country that also appear at (i.e., which can also be found using search options). Several other local organizations that work with nonprofits in Colombia are also listed at COSTA RICARed Costarricense de Organizaciones para la Microempresa (REDCOM) "agrupa a organizaciones costarricenses de desarrollo." -- CZECH REPUBLICInformation Centre for Nonprofit Organisations -- DOMINICAN REPUBLICServicio de Voluntariado Ignaciano "coordina y anima el trabajo de voluntarias y voluntarios que quieran disponer de su tiempo y persona para colaborar gratuitamente en un servicio de bien social a través de alguna de las instituciones que dirige la Compañía de Jesús de República Dominicana y de otras instituciones hermanas." -- ECUADORLa Red de ONG de Guayaquil "ha reunido a decenas de instituciones con distintos campos de acción, para atender mejor las necesidades de los ecuatorianos que necesitan más ayuda." -- FINLANDFinnish Council of Foundations -- FRANCEAction Sans Frontières (A counterpart to the work of Action Without Borders and its website; "nous espérons y rassembler des ressources pour les organisations et individus dans le monde francophone.") -- Coordination SUD. "Coordination nationale des ONG françaises de solidarité internationale." (in French) -- Steven posted to NONPROFIT on May 29, 2000: "Entraide is a directory of nonprofit resources of the French-speaking world; it locates almost 200 humanitarian organizations. It also provides job opportunities, emergency actions, recent news.... Have a look." -- Fondation de France -- GEORGIAHorizonti The Foundation for the Third Sector -- GERMANYDeutsche Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen (Central Institute for Social Questions) offers advice to donors and a list of organizations whose operations and reporting have been reviewed. (In German). -- GUATEMALARed del Voluntariado Guatemalteco "proporcionará información confiable, actualizada y fácilmente accesible para el público en general sobre las organizaciones de voluntariado en Guatemala." -- GUYANADevNet "is a non-governmental non-profit organisation ... to work in the field of ICT for development." -- HONDURASLa Sociedad Civil en Honduras Un "Sitio WEB, del cual se espera por una parte, la participación activa de la ciudadanía en su actualización y mejoramiento; y por otra parte que el mismo pueda ser de utilidad para todos los que desean hacer de Honduras un país en constante desarrollo." -- HONG KONG (SAR PRC)The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's Inland Revenue Department has information online about tax-exemption for charities (and what qualifies as such) in the Hong Kong SAR of China. (See also China in this list.) -- HUNGARYNonprofit Information and Training Centre (NIOK) Foundation "was founded by the Nonprofit Research Association in 1993 to strenghten civil society in Hungary by setting up a network to support the activities of Hungarian NGOs. NIOK designs programmes to improve the work of organisations, making them more effective. NIOK is an independant foundation, classified as a prominently public benefit organisation according to Hungarian NGO law. -- (Click on the British flag at the left on the web site for the English language version of this web site.) Soros Foundation – Hungary -- INDIA"Indicorps is a non-partisan, non-religious, non-profit organization that encourages Indians around the world to actively participate in India's progress." -- Indiserve facilitates an exchange of information to encourage voluntary service in India. -- "International Institute Of Social Entrepreneurship Management (IISEM) (Navi Mumbai) has been established as a resource center for research, education, training, action, professional service and capacity building in the voluntary non-profit sector. It has a mandate to promote and strengthen social initiatives for improving the quality of life of the deprived and disadvantaged. The Institute has special interest in the area of natural resource management and sustainable development, micro-enterprises, reproductive health, gender issues and HIV/AIDS. [From email 3/20/98.] -- Karmayog offers a "free platform for the Indian nonprofit sector" from Mumbai (Bombay). --
"The SIES College of Management Studies is instituting a new program - 'Post Graduate Diploma in Social Enterprise Management' (PGDSEM) (Navi Mumbai) in collaboration with the Centre for Social Initiative and Management (CSIM), Chennai. This program will be launched on 9th July 2005. The program "aims at improving knowledge base of the participants on various areas of management and its relevance to the social sector, enhancing skill-sets of the participants in terms of better decision making, analytical skills, and facilitating their application in various challenging situations and creating a strategic perspective among the participants with particular reference to establishing and running a sustainable non profit organization." (email 4/30/05) -- WebNGOs is "a professionally governed and managed social enterprise dedicated to support the third sector called civil society organizations through information technology. INDONESIA"The Volunteer Development Centre (Jakarta) provides information about volunteers and volunteerism and serves as a forum for the exchange of information, knowledge, skills and expertise among volunteers, volunteer organizations and other relevant stakeholders. The Centre will also provide support for the capacity building of volunteers and volunteer-based organizations and facilitate participation by the general public through outreach activities. The Volunteer Development Center is hosted by the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration at: Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 51 6 B Fl, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia (62) 21 527 9466 or 525 3966. ICELANDAssociation of Icelandic Nonprofits Skogarhlid 8 105 Reykjavik, Iceland (in Icelandic) IRELANDDóchas Irish Association of NGDOs -- Foundation for Investing in Communities (Dublin) -- Institute of Fundraising Has regional groups in the UK and the Republic of Ireland; links from the welcome page. -- ITALYThe Centre of Documentation on Foundations -- "La prima Content Company del Terzo settore italiano. Dal 1994." (In Italian) -- ISRAELIsraeli Center for Third-sector Research was established at the Ben Gurion University in 1997 in order to conduct and promote academic research and study on Civil Society, the Third Sector, and related fields in Israel. ICTR is a multi- and inter-disciplinary center serving researchers and students from academic disciplines, universities and colleges. -- JAPANJapan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC) -- (Also in Japanese, see Nonprofit Japan -- NikkeiNet lists nonprofits in Japan -- KENYAThe National Council of NGOs "exists to preserve, strengthen, and promote voluntary action in pursuit of a more just and equitable society." (Nairobi) -- KOREAVolunteer 21 "Founded in 1997, a non-profit organization with a network of around 200 volunteer organizations and 200 local volunteer...committed to strengthening volunteer infrastructure through various education and training programs." (In Korean and English) -- LATVIAThe NGO Center -- LEBANONThe Association for Volunteer Services "To promote, facilitate and improve volunteering and community service." -- MÉXICOCEFSC (Coordinación de Enlace y Fortalecimiento de la Sociedad Civil) del Gobierno Democrático del Distrito Federal -- Centro Mexicano para la Filantropia -- HacesFalta es "un espacio en Internet que tiene como finalidad facilitar y fomentar el voluntariado." (Un portal de Centro Mexicano para la Filantropia) -- More weblinks for NGOs in Mexico: NEW ZEALANDAssociation of NGOs of Aotearoa (ANGOA) –- CommunityNet Aotearoa "An internet resource supporting communities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand." Includes hundreds of links to community websites throughout the country. -- Fundraising Institute of New Zealand -- New Zealand Federation of Voluntary Welfare Organisation "A national umbrella group for voluntary social service agencies. As well as supporting our members, we promote the voluntary sector and its wider concerns." -- The Office for the Community and Voluntary Sector of the Ministry of Social Development -- NIGERIANigeria Network of Non-Governmental Organizations -- A guide to NGOs in Pakistan -- NGO Resource Centre A project of the Agha Khan Foundation -- NGO World A website with articles focused on the success of NGOs -- PARAGUAYPOJOAJU (La Asociación de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales del Paraguay) "es una entidad sin fines de lucro, con personería jurídica, constituida en el año 1999, con el propósito de articular en una instancia de coordinación a las ONGs y Redes de ONGs del Paraguay. -- ttp:// Additional weblinks for NGOs in Paraguay: PERUANC Asociación Nacional de Centros de Investigación, Promoción Social y Desarrollo -- Forum Solidaridad Perú "es una organización no gubernamental dedicada al desarrollo de las capacidades de actores sociales en el fortalecimiento de la ciudadanía y gobernabilidad, y en la promoción de la solidaridad internacional. esto lo hace a través de programas de capacitación; asistencia técnica; servicios informativos; campañas de incidencia; creación de redes y fortalecimiento institucional." -- More weblinks for NGOs in Peru: POLANDPortal of Nonprofit Organizations -- PORTUGALPortuguese Platform of NGDOs -- (in Portuguese) PUERTO RICOFondos Unidos "es una organización privada, sin fines de lucro, dedicada a fortalecer los servicios sociales y de salud en Puerto Rico al fomentar el trabajo en equipo entre voluntarios, donantes, entidades benéficas y nuestros profesionales." -- Non-Profit Evaluation & Resource Center Un "centro de evaluación y recursos para las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en Puerto Rico." -- ROMANIAAID-ONG -- (in Romanian) The Association for Community Relations ("promoting philanthropic behavior") -- (in Romanian at Open Society Foundation – Romania -- (in Romanian) RUSSIASiberian Civic Initiatives Support Center -- (in Russian at For information on civil society related topics in Russia and other members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, see the Center for Civil Society International at SLOVAKIAService Center for the Third Sector (Slovak Academic Information Agency) -- SOUTH AFRICAeRiders "Mission Driven Technology Support for Non Governmental Organizations" -- Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) Helpline. The NPO Helpline aims to provide information and advice to NGOs and CBOs in South Africa. The service provides NGOs, CBOs and NPOs with information that includes: contact details of and information on important NPO regulatory institutions; contact details for NPO donors and referrals to information on donors active in South Africa; information on procedures for registration of NPOs, and referral of necessary application details and formats. -- Olive Organization Development & Training "A non-profit development organisation based in Durban on the east coast of South Africa in the KwaZulu Natal province" -- South African NGO Coalition (SANGOCO) "emerged in 1995 to coordinate NGO input into the Government policy and ensure that the rich traditions of civil society - forged in the resistance to apartheid - continue to serve the people of South Africa." -- "The Southern Africa Institute of Fundraising (SAIF) was established in 1986 to promote the highest ethical and professional standards of fundraising practice and is the only body representing and supporting the fundraising profession in Southern Africa." -- Southern African NGO Network (SANGONeT) "A development information portal for NGOs in South Africa." Offers links to many South African NGOs through -- SPAINAcción Sin Fronteras (A counterpart for Spanish speakers to offered by Action Without Borders.) -- Asociación Española de Fundaciones "agrupa ya a más de 750 fundaciones españolas." -- Coordinadora de ONGD para el Desarrollo España -- La Fundación Lealtad "es una organización independiente cuya misión es fomentar la confianza de la sociedad en fundaciones y asociaciones que cumplan fines de acción social, cooperación al desarrollo o medio ambiente." -- More weblinks for NGOs in Spain: SWITZERLANDInternational Conference Volunteers (ICVolunteers) is a non-governmental organization that recruits volunteers for international projects, in particular humanitarian and social conferences. P.O. Box 755 1211 Geneva 4 Switzerland Phone: +41 22 800 1436 Fax: +41 22 800 1437 Email: INTERPHIL, the International Standing Conference on Philanthrophy CIC Case 20 CH 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel 41-22-733-6717, FAX 41-22-734-7082 TAIWANCenter for the Third Sector, National ChengChi University -- (Also in Chinese, see TANZANIATanzania Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (TANGO) -- TRINIDAD AND TOBAGOCharityBoard.Org The greater Caribbean's site for volunteering. -- UGANDAUganda NGO Locater and Database -- UKRAINEGURT Resource Center for NGO Development -- (The website listed here is not in operation 10/2/06 -- Ed.) A list of NGOs in Ukraine is posted by Civil Society International. -- UNITED KINGDOMAssociation of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (acevo). The "professional body for third sector leaders. We work to connect, develop and represent our 2000 members. For further information about the benefits of joining acevo or to find out about our events and publications, please visit our website." -- Association of Fundraising Consultants -- Association for Research in the Voluntary and Community Sector Provides research information to (and stimulates research on the part of) community groups. (London) -- htp:// A service used by charities to solicit donations online. -- Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) "Working for charities and donors" -- CAF Research The research arm of the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). "We publish timely research on a range of vountary sector issues. As well as our publications which are available for sale, we have recently launched our Dimesions 2000 Online service. This is a new free service providing previously unpublished statistics and research on the UK voluntary sector. -- Charity Commission for England and Wales "The Charity Commission is here to give the public confidence in the integrity of charities in England and Wales. We are a UK Government department responsible to the Courts for our decisions and to the Home Secretary for the way we use our resources." -- Charity Choice To search for a nonprofit organization in the UK. -- CharityNet A service of the Charities Aid Foundation to provide information for and about the non-profit world -- CharitySponsor.Com A service in the UK that allows individuals supporting events or causes to seek 'sponsorships' from friends, etc. (From Rosanna Tarsiero 3/14/04) -- Community Foundation Network (CFN) The national network linking, promoting and supporting over 60 community foundations throughout England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. (London) -- Directory of Social Change Information and training for the voluntary sector (London and Liverpool) --
forum3 is a social networking website and service for announcing open positions focused on NPOs in the UK. Created by CharityPeople, the nonprofit recruiting firm. -- Institute of Fundraising -- Institute for Volunteering Research (London) -- National Council for Voluntary Organisations is a 6,000 member association representing and supporting organizations throughout the UK. The is an extensive collection of materials, and an order form for NCVO's manhy publications, on the web. -- Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA) "Our Mission is to achieve progressive social change by tackling disadvantage through voluntary action and community development. Our Vision is of a healthy, vibrant, progressive voluntary and community sector which contributes to social cohesion, equality and justice. NICVA is the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action, an umbrella body for voluntary, community and charitable groups in Northern Ireland. (Belfast) -- Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations The umbrella body for all voluntary organisations in Scotland. --
-- The trade-journal Third Sector provides a Good Practice guide that indexes past and features recent articles. -- UK Fundraising Howard Lake wrote 8/5/96 to talk-amphilrev with this note: The UK Fundraising site contains substantial information for fundraisers. While it, and its new related discussion list FundUK, are directed at UK nonprofit and charity fundraisers, they are also used regularly by fundraisers internationally. -- UKVPMs Internet based networking resource for United Kingdom-based Volunteer Managers (From Jayne Cravens 6/2/2000.) -- VolResource "Provides practical resources for people involved in charities, voluntary or community organisations." -- Workwithus.Org Scotland's Portal to the Voluntary Sector -- UNITED STATES OF AMERICAThe Nonprofit FAQ has separate pages describing nonprofit support organizations in the United States.
URUGUAYChoike A Portal on Southern Civil Societies (Choike is the Mapuche name for the Southern Cross) -- (In Spanish: Uruguay Solidario "es un servicio de la Fundación ACAC para dar a conocer la labor de personas y organizaciones que diariamente atienden a los más necesitados de nuestro país, así como para fortalecer el funcionamiento de las instituciones mediante la vinculación entre ellas, el asesoramiento y la información." -- VENEZUELAApalancar.Org is a source of information for and a directory of civil society organizations in Venezuela (in Spanish). -- RedSoc "es una Asociación Civil sin fines de lucro, denominada Red Venezolana de Organizaciones para el Desarrollo Social, cuyo objeto fundamental es promover, fomentar y facilitar la comunicación, articulación y cooperación de las organizaciones de desarrollo social entre sí, con el Estado y con el sector empresarial, en el marco de los Compromisos y Programa de Acción adoptados en la Cumbre Mundial sobre Desarrollo Social." -- More weblinks for NGOs in Venezuela: VIETNAMVUFO-NGO Resource Centre -- ZIMBABWECrisis in Zimbabwe Coalition "A collective of civil society organisations." -- NGO Network Alliance Project -- National Association for Non-Governmental Organizations (NANGO) -- WORLDWIDEAction Without Borders (New York, NY) -- -- (in Spanish) -- (in French) -- See also pages about volunteering worldwide at Advocacy Net Highlights advocacy efforts focused on peace and human rights around the world. -- Allavida was formed in 2001 as an independent organization incorporating elements of the UK Charities Aid Foundation program that "help people acquire the skills, knowledge, confidence and resources to lead local action and achieve constructive change in their communities." Allavida concentrates in South East Europe, East Africa, and Central Asia and offers a wide variety of links and resources on its website that may assist people engaged in local action and community development anyplace in the world. -- Asociación Mundo Solidario Cooperación al Desarrollo Global (Barcelona, Spain) -- The Center for Civil Society Studies at Johns Hopkins University (USA) has published profiles of the nonprofit sector in many countries as well as a variety of cross-national comparisons. For a complete list, see The Charities Aid Foundation (UK) Discussions of the development of NGOs in many parts of the world. -- CIVICUS – The World Alliance for Citizen Participation. A resource for information about non-governmental organizations and the voluntary sector around the world. (Johannesburg, South Africa) -- Community Development Society "Leadership to professionals and citizens across the spectrum of community development." (Columbus, Ohio) -- The Directory of Development Organizations lists thousands of of organizations "to facilitate international cooperation and knowledge sharing in development work". -- Ford Foundation International Fellowships Fund "Provides opportunities for advanced study to exceptional individuals who will use this education to become leaders in their respective fields, furthering development in their own countries and greater economic and social justice worldwide. To ensure that Fellows are drawn from diverse backgrounds, IFP actively seeks candidates from social groups and communities that lack systematic access to higher education." (New York, NY, with affiliates in many countries) -- Global Coalitions for Voices of the Poor "Check out the new web guide on Global Coalitions for Voices of the Poor. The guide contains links to web sites, descriptions of civil society organizations, and information on communication technology projects that aim to create spaces in international fora for the voices and priorities of poor people to be heard. -- From Mary Ellen Lewis, 4/30/2001 -- The Global Development Network (New Delhi) "works with research and policy institutes to address development challenges. GDN builds research capacity and fosters knowledge sharing." The site includes funding information for "researchers working in developing countries." -- The Global Partnership for NGO Studies, Education and Training "A collaboration between organizations in the global north and global south with alumni from over two dozen countries." -- ICVolunteers recruits, trains and coordinates volunteers for non-profit conferences, events and projects. The organization also offers other services (logistics, translation, report-writing, etc.) in support of non-profit meetings and other, longer-term projects. (Geneva, Switzerland) -- Going International Bonnie Koenig maintains a list of links and other resources for nonprofits that are developing an international engagement. -- Impact Alliance is a global capacity building network for all sectors of development. -- Innovations in Civic Participation does research, particularly on national youth (civic) service policies, which can either be stand-alone initiatives or part of national youth policies. -- International Catholic Development Conference -- International Center for Not-for-Profit Law "An international organization whose mission is to facilitate and support the development of civil society on a global basis by assisting the creation and improvement of laws and regulatory systems that permit, encourage, and regulate the not-for-profit sector in countries around the world." (Washington, DC) -- NGO Manager provides managers and staff of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) with 400 carefully selected resources available on the internet free of charge through the website and publishes a newsletter. -- One World Trust links to oversight and accountability organizations related to philanthropy and international development work everywhere in the world in an annotated list. --- The Open Directory Project is a moderated directory of useful sites on many subjects. -- ONGsearch es un buscador de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONGs) y de sitios solidarios en Internet (Buenas Aires, Argentina). -- htttp:// ONGsite "es un sitio creado en América Latina por profesionales e investigadores con el objetivo de proyectar el trabajo que vienen realizando las ONG´s en el mundo." (Argentina) -- Online Volunteering Service (Formerly: NetAid) "Provides avenues for people to provide support for developing countries and learn about issues in those countries via the Internet. Individuals can use the site to donate funding or online volunteer services. Any organization working in or for developing countries can submit requests for online volunteers via the site. The service is managed by staff at United Nations Volunteers ( -- Personas en Aacción es una "Guía Web: Ecología, Solidaridad, Crecimiento Personal, Cambio Social" (in English and Spanish) -- El Portal Infoamérica "nació ... destinado a identificar y definir los actores que integran el sistema de medios en el espacio cultural iberoamericano". -- Resource Alliance "An international network working to build the capacity of not-for-profit organisations to mobilise funds and local resources for their causes." (London, UK) -- Taking It Global "is an online community that connects youth to find inspiration, access information, get involved, and take action in their local and global communities." (Toronto, Canada) -- Union of International Associations Links to many bibliographical entries and offers a directory of 60,000 "civil society organizations" in many parts of the world for a fee. -- Veyactua "tu buscador de voluntariado internacional y empleo en ongs internacionales." (Sevilla, España) -- World Association of Non-Governmental Associations (WANGO) "Helps to provide the mechanism and support needed for NGOs to connect, partner, share, inspire, and multiply their contributions to solve humanity’s basic problems." (Tarrytown, NY. with affiliates throughout the world) --
Worldwide Initiative for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) "seeks to strengthen the institutional infrastructure of philanthropy worldwide by building a strong, interconnected and collaborative global network of grantmaker associations and support organisations" (Brussels, Belgium). -- If you see something that needs to be corrected or know of an organization that should be listed, please click on "Feedback" and let us know. Thank you! —PB |