The Nonprofit FAQ

What if we do get a federal grant?
The Grantsmanship Center ( wrote in their
"Funding Tip #10" -- August 9, 1996:

If you get a government grant, read the pertinent "Management Circulars"
published by the Office of Management and Budget. They're written in
plain English, and they're free! They describe administrative and audit
requirements for grants and cooperative agreements with state and local
governments (A-102 and A-128), and uniform administrative requirements
for grants to institutions of higher learning, hospitals, and other
nonprofit organizations (A-110). They explain cost principles for
nonprofit organizations (A-122) educational institutions (A-88) and
state and local governments (A-97). To order, write to the Publications
Office, Executive Office of the President, Room 2200, Washington, DC,
20503 or call (202) 395-7332.

A list of all the circulars with links to downloadable copies in on the web at

Posted 1996; revised 2/17/05 -- PB