The Nonprofit FAQ

What is meant by internal marketing?
Someone asked, 'What is meant by this business of internal marketing?'
Actually, it's very GOOD business - for non-profits and for-profits. If
it's good for your constituents, it's good for your staff. Besides, it's
important for everyone on the team to know the same information. What do
you do if a staff member gets a call from the local newspaper and hasn't
been told about your planned event?

Get staff members involved in your planning. Ask their opinion about
marketing materials and procedures. Treat them as another focus group.
Finally, spend time selling your staff on the marketing concept. Make sure
they understand and agree.

Alf Nucifora, a marketing consultant in Atlanta, offered compelling reasons
to undertake internal marketing in a 1996 article that is still relevant
today. It should be available in the archives of Amcity's online business
journal. Refer to