The Nonprofit FAQ

How can we do an organizational self-assessment?
The Hogg Foundation at the University of Texas, Austin will be
publishing an organizational self assessment manual (OSA) contains
complete step by step guidelines for voluntary organizations wishing to
do their own low cost assessment.

It includes a survey, how to adapt it for your organization, and how to
adapt procedures for small and large organizations. The manual walks you
through the entire process from choosing a committee and getting your
members motivated to what to do with the data once you've collected and
analyzed it.

The manual is currently under review, but it should be available late in
1994 from the Hogg Foundation for a minimal charge. Their number is

The Free Management Library adds a variety of on-line assessments for nonprofit organizations. The library also links to a variety of approaches and programs to improve organizational effectiveness. See

Revised 8/19/99 -- CM