The Nonprofit FAQ

What are employee laws? Any related major issues and topics?
Free Management Library provides overviews of key employee laws, and
major topics and issues, including:

- major topics and issues

- - Affirmative Action

- - age discrimination

- - disabled workers

- - discrimination (general)

- - drugs in the workplace

- - Equal Employment Opportunity

- - HIV/AIDS in the workplace

- - preventing violence in workplace

- - privacy rights

- - racial discrimination

- - religious protection

- - safety in the workplace

- - sexual harassment

- - sexual orientation discrimination

- major employee laws

- - American with Disabilities Act (ADA)

- - Child Labor Laws

- - Civil Rights Act of 1964

- - Comp. Omnibus Reconcil. Act (COBRA)

- - Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

- - Emp. Retirement Income Security (ERISA)

- - Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

- - Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

- - Fed'l Employee Compensation Act (FECA)

- - Health Ins. Portability & Acct. Act (HIPAA)

- - Occup'l Safety and Health Admin. (OSHA)

- - Unemployment Compensation

- - Uniformed Services Emp. Rights (USERRA)

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Posted 1/20/00 -- CM