The Nonprofit FAQ: Strategies: Planned Giving

Select an FAQ   (8):

How can life insurance policies be used to make a gift to a nonprofit?
This is one of several ways of making a planned gift.
Is it difficult and expensive to establish a charitable trusts?
There are legal and tax complications which must be handled carefully.
The Tax Implications of Planned Giving
Helping Yourself and Your Favorite Community Organizations (From the Seattle Times October 15, 1998. By David Keene, CPA, and David Endicott. Reprinted with permission.)
What are the principal differences among charitable trusts?
An informal introduction to the options for planned giving.
What are the various tax benefits available to a donor?
Charitable gifts can result in lowered taxes in many ways; here is a brief discussion of some of them.
What is Strategic Planned Giving?
A noted practitioner distinguishes between 'estate planning' -- what individuals do -- and the need for organizations to think strategically about how to connect with people who might include charitable gifts in their estates.
What policies should we have about planned giving?
Organizations and donors both need a framework; this item links to some examples.
Where can I get more information about planned giving?
There are several associations, email discussion groups and websites related to the topic.