The Nonprofit FAQ
How do we evaluate the Executive Director? |
There is a list of published and online resources after the article below. One responsibility of the Board of Directors is appraising the work of the organization's Executive Director (ED). An evaluation can help to improve the confidence, support, growth and working relationship between the Board and the ED. While this review is sometimes avoided or done poorly, it represents an opportunity to identify challenges in program or performance, reward the ED, and strengthen the organization's overall administration. Because at least once a year the ED should expect to receive a coherent view of the Board's opinion of his or her work, the evaluation process will be more effective with advance planning. At a minimum, the appraisal can take the form of a pre-arranged discussion between the ED and the Board Chair, although the evaluation should have a written component. The ED's performance should be measured in relation to his or her job description, and the evaluation may cover the following activity areas: staff relations; administration; planning; leadership; fiscal management; external public relations; effectiveness in working with the board to fulfill the annual plan; and effectiveness in helping the board achieve its own accountability and level of responsibility. The specifics of the evaluation process should be determined by the Personnel Committee or a task force of the Board, and the ED should be informed of the process in advance. An Executive Committee or the Board Chair can report the conclusions of the evaluation to the ED. The type of evaluation the organization uses can include any of several elements:
One system that seems to work well for many nonprofit organizations is for the Board Chair to circulate a questionnaire to all of the board members asking specific questions about the ED's performance during the past year. The questionnaire can use a ranking system (i.e.1=outstanding, 2=expected, 3=below expectations, 4= not satisfactory) and include space for narrative comments. The Chair can then summarize these responses and communicate them to the ED, seeking his or her reaction. At that point, the Chair and the ED can set performance objectives for the coming year, and then a report can be made to the full board for review. After that, changes in compensation can also be discussed. For further information see, among others, Assessment of the Chief Executive, distributed by BoardSource (formerly the National Center for Nonprofit Boards) 1828 L St NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036, 202/452-6262 - May 22, 1996
Nathan Garber ( posted this list of resources on March 11, 2004. Alberta Community Development & The Muttart Foundation: Hiring & Performance Appraisal of the Executive Director. See an">online description. I wrote a template for questions to ask Board members, Staff, and Peers when conducting a 360 degree evaluation. It needs updating but might be helpful. Carter's Management assistance has some useful stuff. Start at Marilyn Dickey. "Major Oversight" Chronicle of Philanthropy November 18, 1999 Norah McLintock. Nonprofit CEOs: How are you Doing? Front & Centre. Nov.2001 vol. 8 no. 6 (free download for members of the Canadian Centre for Philanthropy) The Center for Creative Leadership provides tested questionnaires and other tools for assessing management performance. Some questionnaires can be completed and compiled online. The site is primarily designed to sell the center's products. Board and CEO Roles: Different Jobs, Different Tasks,
Keyword revision 8/19/99 -- CM; new text, 3/11/04; BoardSource info updated 5/10/06 -- PB |