The other items listed in this section of the Nonprofit FAQ ("National Policies Worldwide") offer links to discussions of the legal and other arrangements in specific countries. Below are some web sites that discuss related topics in general or in specific regions of the world. To suggest additions to this list, please use the "Feedback" option at the bottom of the page. And of course if you know of an online source for information about the policy environment in some part of the world that we don't list here, please use the "Feedback" option to forward the link and any other suggestions that will fill out this presentation.
- The Center for Civil Society Studies
- This center at Johns Hopkins University (USA) has published profiles of the nonprofit sector in many countries as well as a variety of cross-national comparisons. For a complete list, see
- CIVICUS – The World Alliance for Citizen Participation
- A resource for information about non-governmental organizations and the voluntary sector around the world. (Johannesburg, South Africa). See
- Going International
- Bonnie Koenig maintains a list of links and other resources for nonprofits that are developing an international engagement. See
- International Center for Not-for-Profit Law
- "An international organization whose mission is to facilitate and support the development of civil society on a global basis by assisting the creation and improvement of laws and regulatory systems that permit, encourage, and regulate the not-for-profit sector in countries around the world." (Washington, DC) See
- The UK Charities Aid Foundation
- Discussions of the development of NGOs in many parts of the world. See
- World Association of Non-Governmental Associations (WANGO)
- "Helps to provide the mechanism and support needed for NGOs to connect, partner, share, inspire, and multiply their contributions to solve humanity’s basic problems." (Tarrytown, NY. with affiliates throughout the world). See
Support organizations in many places around the world offer information, linkages and other forms of assistance for community-based work, volunteering, and the development of nonprofits or similar organizations. There is a list in the Nonprofit FAQ at; it includes links to support organizations that offer assistance in multiple countries in the">"Worldwide" section.
Posted 11/16/07 -- PB |