Community Platform
select IF( length(i.ChangedDate)=0, concat(substring(i.AddedDate,1,10),' added'), concat(substring(i.ChangedDate,1,10),' edited')) as Date_Added__or__Changed, substring(i.AddedDate,1,10) as Date_Added, i.* from nccs_links.LINKS i LEFT JOIN nccs_links.Items_topics_xref x ON = x.ItemID and i.isDeleted = 0 and x.isDeleted = 0 LEFT JOIN communityneeds.taggeditem ti ON ti.knowledgebaseId = LEFT JOIN communityneeds.tag t ON = ti.tagId WHERE 1 and (i.category1 = 131 or i.category2 = 131 or i.category3 = 131 or i.category4 = 131) and publish='Y' and i.isDeleted = 0 AND (i.GroupID < 1 || i.GroupID IS NULL) AND (i.ProjectID < 1 || i.ProjectID IS NULL) AND (i.GroupEdit LIKE '' or i.GroupEdit IS NULL) and i.platform = 'brevard' GROUP BY ORDER BY i.Name, LIMIT 100;

Library: Search Results

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