Community Platform

Community Statistics

Basics (2010)
Population 349,497 297,735
Avg. household income (2000) 55,290 55,300
Median household income 53,551 59,070
Population Segments: By Age, Race and Ethnicity (2010)
Number of children under 5 21,406 16,231
Number of children ages 5-17 61,274 48,946
Number of adults 18-64 215,203 185,952
Number of elderly 51,604 46,606
Number of black non-Hispanics 21,440 14,986
Number of Hispanics 65,615 31,179
Number of Asians 10,247 7,203
Number of Native Americans (non-hispanic) 1,279 609
Community Needs: Unemployment, Poverty, Education & Disability (2005-2009)
Unemployment rate 4.4 3.8
Number in poverty 36,176 21,894
% in poverty 11.00 7.8
Number of children in poverty 13,416 7,029
% of children in poverty 17.1 10.9
Number of elderly in poverty 3,682 2,522
% without high school diploma (over 25 years old) 14.2 134.0
% with disability, ages 5-15 (2000) 5.86 5.14
% with disability, ages 16-64 (2000) 15.88 13.47
% with disability, ages 65 and over (2000) 36.97 37.30
Community Resources: Households and Organizations
Households (2010)
% with college (over 25 years old) 27.0 25.7
% of households with income of $100,000 or more 20.6 22.3
Household Giving (2004)
Number of households 149,501 146,421
Number of households itemizing deductions 52,135 55,157
% of households itemizing 34.87 37.67
Percentage reporting contributions 89.1 88.53
Total AGI ($ thousands) 7,223,162 7,145,746
Total contributions ($ thousands) 129,239 123,347
Contributions as a % of AGI 1.79 1.73
Household Giving (2005)
Number of households 152,468 149,738
Number of households itemizing deductions 54,674 57,903
% of households itemizing 35.86 38.67
Percentage reporting contributions 88.04 88.12
Total AGI ($ thousands) 7,712,688 7,628,314
Total contributions ($ thousands) 140,392 134,246
Contributions as a % of AGI 1.82 1.76
Nonprofit Public Charity Activites (2009)
Number of organizations filing annually 369 344
Private contributions & government grants 171,459,136 231,251,625
Total revenue 2,527,450,095 1,782,711,003
Total expenses 2,551,168,783 1,780,851,930
Total assets 3,845,166,947 4,655,975,943
Nonprofit Public Charity Activites per Capita (2009)
Number of organizations (per 10,000 persons) 11.82 12.88
Private contributions & government grants ($ per capita) 549 866
Total revenue ($ per capita) 8,098 6,675
Total expenses ($ per capita) 8,174 6,668
Total assets ($ per capita) 12,321 17,434