NTEE Codes (2007 draft update)

CODEMajor CodeMajor Code
TERM_NAMETerm nameTerm name
SEE_ALSOSee alsoSee also
SCOPE_NOTEScope notesScope Notes
changeDateChange dateDate record changed or created
notesUser notesUser notes
NAICSNorth American Industrial ClasNorth American Industrial Classification System
NAICS_pre2009N Am Industrial Class PrevNorth American Industrial Classification System (previous version)
NAICS3_pre2009NAICS Prev Ver - 1st 3 digitsNAICS - 1st 3 digits (previous version)
NaicsNameName of NAICS code
MAJGRPMajor groupMajor group (1st character of NTEE code)
MAJGRPNUMMajor group numberMajor group number (use for sorting)
IrsSubsectionIRS Subsection codeCorresponding IRS subsection code (used for only a small number of NTEE codes). For example, most (but not all) industry associations in the S3s or S4s will be exempt as 501(c)(6) trade associations.
NteeXPNTEE-XP codeCorresponding NTEE-XP code -- a slightly more detailed coding system used prior to late 1990s.
RandNumRandom number between 0 and 1Random number between 0 and 1 used for creating samples