libraryDirectory.'settings.php'); include($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'head.php'); include($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'datacon.php'); require($bootstrap->libraryDirectory.'proclib.php'); $maxRecs = 650; $action = ''; $gEin = getVal('ein','','get'); $gAction = getVal('a', '', 'get'); $gBmfOnly = getVal('bmf','', 'get'); $getVal = getVal('gQry','', 'get'); $debug = getVal('debug','0', 'get'); $filers = getVal('filers','0', 'get'); // passed from nteeSearch $nteeFilter = getVal('ntee','','get'); $bmfOnly = $gBmfOnly; // confirm that action should be run: // $getInput = getVal('getInput','0','post'); $liveNtee = getVal('liventee','1','get'); $liveNteeSearch == 0; if ($getInput == '1'){ // $q = $HTTP_POST_VARS['q']; $ein = $HTTP_POST_VARS['ein']; $orgname = $HTTP_POST_VARS['orgname']; $state = $HTTP_POST_VARS['state']; $ntee = strtoupper($HTTP_POST_VARS['ntee']); $latest = $HTTP_POST_VARS['latest']; $bmfOnly = $HTTP_POST_VARS['bmfOnly']; $irsType = $HTTP_POST_VARS['irsType']; $filers = $HTTP_POST_VARS['filers']; $orgSearchType = $HTTP_POST_VARS['orgSearchType']; $freeform = $HTTP_POST_VARS['freeform']; $orderBy = $HTTP_POST_VARS['orderBy']; } $start = date('m/d/Y H:i:s'); $startTime = time(); /***********************************************************/ /* new server: */ /***********************************************************/ if ($gBmfOnly == 1 or $bmfOnly == 1) { $debug = 0; } $debug = 0; // echo "user: $gUser
"; if ($gUser == 'tpollak'){ $debug = 0; } $title = 'NCCS - Custom List Organization Serach'; $eonUser = checkUserAccessRights($gUser,'EON',0); // 1=yes echo "$title\n"; ?> libraryDirectory.'head2.php'); ?>

NCCS - Search Results

Number found: 9 - Click on any line in the list of results to view the return.

 Most Recent Tax Period EIN Name State Rule Date IRS Sub- section Total Revenue Total Assets 990 Image EON
2004  621691461  Ashley County Cotton Management Group Inc Hamburg, AR 05  47,147 5,076 990 K20
2006  521695372  Case Management Society of America Inc Little Rock, AR 06  0 2,138,389 990 P02
2006  710789215  Case Management Society of America Inc Little Rock, AR 06  0 0 990 P02
2006  300054286  Dlt Event Management Inc Arkadelphia, AR 2002 03  242,591 56,966 990 N12
2006  710666268  Independent Case Management Inc Little Rock, AR 1989 03  10,075,760 1,867,107 990 P82
2006  237296493  Purchasing Management Association of Arkansas Inc Little Rock, AR 06  21,987 88,752 990 S0241
2007  521998106  Utility Supply Management Alliance Inc Pine Bluff, AR 06  394,098 104,489 990 W0380
2006  710713928  Western Arkansas Regional Management Services Inc Fort Smith, AR 1992 03  30,395 232,259 990 W80
2007  710739786  White River Regional Management Corporation Batesville, AR 04  435,379 925,946 990 C32
         Assign Selected organizations to the custom list:       

A service of the National Center for Charitable Statistics at the Urban Institute
IRS Business Master File - NCCS Cumulative Master File - 990 Images
filers: 0
libraryDirectory.'footer.php'); ?>